Welcome to Lyonsville Farm, LLC

Plant orders are now closed! You can now find our plants at the Shelburne Farm and Garden! Thank you!

CSA and Market Changes: 

I have decided to step back from attending farmers’ markets and operating a CSA. I can’t be out in the field as I once was so I will be concentrating my farming efforts towards growing plants as well as limited produce and flowers. You will still find our plants for sale via the pre-order online system we’ve been using (pick-up will be on the farm). All plants, with the addition of seasonal produce and flower bouquets, will be available at The Shelburne Farm and Garden.  

Thank you for your support over the years. 

Our Farming Practices

We are a small, diversified vegetable (and herbs, and flowers, and small fruits!) farm growing on 3 intensive acres. We believe in farming with the least amount of negative impact to the land and environment as we can. Therefore, we farm using only organic and sustainable techniques. We feed our soil by practicing soil-building cover cropping, and amending with minerals. We control pests by rotating crops, using row cover, and trap-cropping. We spray for pests only as a last resort, and only with the least harmful, natural, organic sprays. We are very conscious and appreciative of our friends, the bees, and maintain a pollinator habitat with flowering clover as well as other flowering perennials and annuals.

For directions, please look here.

See a complete list of what we grow

Find out where to buy our vegetables and plants